Curtain Wall Glazing

Structural glazing is a system which involves bonding glass to the structural framing units of an edifice using a high-strength, high-performance silicone sealant designed and tested especially for structural glazing

Curtain wall systems are non-structural cladding systems for the external walls of buildings

A curtain wall is an outer covering of a building in which the outer walls are non-structural, designed only to keep the weather out and the people in. Because the curtain wall façade carries no structural load beyond its own dead load weight, it can be made of lightweight materials. The wall transfers lateral wind loads upon it to the main building structure through connections at floors or columns of the building.

Types of Curtain Wall Glazing System - its Details, Functions and Advantages

Curtain wall system comprises one of the elements of facade technology in high rise building. Facades involves window wall, cladding elements and curtain walls which generates the exterior envelope of the building. The curtain wall systems now possess structural importance equivalent to that gained by other structural elements of the building. As it has a higher exposure to exterior atmosphere, it has to be properly designed, installed and maintained keeping in mind the functionality and sustainability.
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Functions of Curtain Walls Glazing in Buildings

Water penetration is the fundamental function of a facade. Here bringing a completely impermeable sealed curtain panel system is not possible. Hence two stages of prevention are placed. Primary level where complete defense of water is conducted and if that fails a secondary level where a direction to let percolated water to drained out has to be provided.
This function is more of an environment concern to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide due to rate of heat loss or gain within the external and internal environment.
Wind actions are transferred by the cladding system to the building floors which act as a linear support. Building cladding systems formed of large panels are usually one-way spanning. Each floor level therefore supports one level of wind load on a building. Thermal insulation function which is strictly necessary for a facade in order to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Insulated materials are provided to both opaque as well as transparent areas. Acoustic Insulation too is necessary between the inside and the outside environment mainly city centered building. Massive structural elements possess higher acoustic insulation like masonry or concrete structures.
This can be reduced by providing a selective solar control coating on one of the surfaces of the glass. This coating is called selective because solar radiation of different wavelengths is selectively allowed to pass through the coating: visible wavelengths of light are allowed to pass more freely than infrared wavelengths. For example, spaces for exhibitions or displays of materials can undergo degradation due to ultraviolet radiation. For this a UV-inhibiting film can be applied to the surface of glazing.

We are the Innovators in leading Facade and Fenestration Products & Services. We have been among the Top Companies in the World for Facade Engineering.

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